Why fully fitted ‘Primed’ spaces are a smart move for landlords
Fully fitted, turnkey workspaces are proving to be a more attractive and financially beneficial solution for both landlords and occupiers.
We’re passionate about inspirational workspaces, so we’re committed to exploring and sharing the latest thinking on workplace design with you. Here you’ll find a mixture of articles, blogs, and commentaries from our Actioneers reporting from the forefront of office design.
Fully fitted, turnkey workspaces are proving to be a more attractive and financially beneficial solution for both landlords and occupiers.
Commercial office design means considering tenant needs, integrating key elements, and creating versatile spaces that suit a range of industries.
Coworking operators have mastered the art of flexibility, community, and tenant experience, driving higher retention and asset value. What lessons…
Coworking spaces have grown in popularity with professionals seeking dynamic work environments. But what makes these workspaces so special?
In an industry where innovation, collaboration, and speed are essential, your brand and culture have never been more important.
Creating a successful dog-friendly office requires thoughtful planning, careful communication, and clear policies to ensure everyone feels supported.
We explore the importance of green building design, from the impact of ESG frameworks to sustainable practices.
AI is affecting office design, from reshaping interior design and enhancing architecture to influencing furniture design and day-to-day operations.
The UK’s office market continues to evolve, shaped by shifting priorities and new challenges.
CBRE's recent move points to a more profitable future for unused offices space.
We explore café culture in the workplace.
We’re excited to launch Britain’s Best Office Dog, a nationwide competition celebrating the furry friends who make our workplaces better.
What should employees expect from the workplace in terms of accommodating menstruation, maternity and menopause?
We outline the office density recommended by the BCO.
We explore how to design an office where people feel genuinely enriched and happy.
If you’ve been redesigning your office, you’ve likely encountered the term ‘turnkey', but what does it mean?
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