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Behind every great tech company is a great office.

Having been at their old office in Beacon Tower for 12 years, Ghyston were well due a refresh and redesign to their workspace. Moving to the fifth-floor of Bristol’s Programme Building, the software developers wanted a modern and flexible office that felt like home.

Ghyston have won multiple awards for their positive and empowering culture. Their ethos aligns with Interaction’s: we believe workplace design can have a profound impact on wellness, creativity and satisfaction. It was great to work with them to design an office with this in mind.

Interaction have taken our culture and transformed it into a productive working space that truly reflects who we are and how we work.”

Emily Hill
CEO and Co-founder, Ghyston

Creating the brief

Putting the ‘fun’ in functionality

To define the brief, our workplace strategy team worked closely with Ghyston. We held three stages of workshops with Ghyston employees from various departments and career stages to ensure everyone was involved in the process.

The brief slowly developed: Ghyston wanted a beautiful office that was flexible and multifunctional, seamlessly high tech and had inclusivity and community at its heart. A proper ‘grown up’ office that functions perfectly whilst still reflecting their fun personality.

With most staff in five days a week, space-planning was key, ensuring there was ample meeting rooms, task desks and alternative workspaces. Focus rooms, private pods and informal meeting areas provide the perfect spot for everyone’s individual way of working.

An award-winning culture

Bringing people together

Community-building is integral to Ghyston, so we made sure their new workspace did just that. The large kitchen and breakout space offers employees a chance to take a break from work and connect with each other. Flexible furniture means the area also doubles as an event and hosting space.

Many of Ghyston’s team cook their lunch at work, and we built the kitchen to encourage this cooking culture. A large island bar offers people a chance to watch others cooking at the hob, or get involved in cooking food together. We even included an indoor herb garden for the team to use in their cooking.

Employee experience was a priority in this project; the space features a drinks fridge, private wellbeing room and bespoke gaming room.

The large kitchen area offers employees a chance to cook and eat together.

Look and feel

Bright, bold and beautiful

Ghyston didn’t want the space to feel corporate or overly branded, but still wanted their unique personality to shine through. Rather than use their brand colours, we used their font on decals and named meeting and focus rooms their brand values. There is a even a Peak District tea-towel, a nod to the annual Ghyston holiday.

The colour palette is light and bright with vibrant colours that add life and personality to the space. Making the space feel fun was key – the terrazzo kitchen tiles and unique interior styling elements do just that.

Moving from a 13th floor office to the fifth, one of Ghyston’s concerns was the view. We helped brighten up their fifth floor view with indoor window boxes, positioned to cover any less desirable views as they grow. The plants also help bring the outside in and improve wellbeing.

Conscious of environmental impact, we reused existing furniture: the desks and task chairs were moved over from the old office. Locally made prints and artwork decorate the space.